Les Schwab Tire Center
Les Schwab Tire Center

Les Schwab Tire Center in Vermillion, SD
Beckenhauer Construction is proud to have built two Les Schwab Tire Center projects - one in Vermillion, SD, and the other in Yankton, SD.
The tire centers both include a showroom, customer lounge, sales offices, service bays and a warehouse (racking) area. The Vermillion project is made up of 14,559 sq. ft. and the Yankton project is made up of 14,428 sq. ft. Extra coordination was required to accommodate the owner supplied equipment.
To show our appreciation for the subcontractor efforts on these projects, we hosted a trade partner appreciation event, complete with catered food and prizes. This event was a great opportunity to express our gratitude for the long hours and quality work our subcontractors have put into these projects. Their commitment was instrumental in keeping both tire centers on track for completion.